Sometimes we face the light; and sometimes we face the darkness. Sometimes we float on the water; and sometimes we tumble down the mountain. Always, we move ourselves on.
It’s getting towards one of my favorite times of year, and one I feel like I’ve missed for the past couple years – mostly due to getting in my own way. The month of July is set aside in the cycling world for the Tour de France. Thanks to an enterprising spinner and biking enthusiast, in the fiber arts world, July is set aside by many for some serious yarn making during ‘Tour de Fleece’. I love the cameraderie that comes with this month of making – and also the photos, ideas, and creativity that absolutely blooms on Ravelry. It’s inspirational, but also time-consuming. Last year (in addition to settling in to a new job) I over-planned my to-do list, over-booked my time, and spent many more hours trying to keep up with what everybody else was doing, than I did working on what I wanted to do.
This year I’m planning early. And sparsely. And I’m going big.
I’ve got surprises in store for July. And I’m not afraid to use them!